JCIO 27/22

Date:08 February 2023





Senior Coroner Chinyere Inyama

A spokesperson for the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office said.

The Lord Chancellor, with the Lord Chief Justice’s agreement, has removed Senior Coroner Mr Chinyere Inyama from office for misconduct.

Judicial office-holders are required to inform their judicial leaders (in this case the Chief Coroner) of any conduct-related matters which might affect their position or the reputation and standing of the judiciary.

The JCIO received information which indicated that Mr Inyama may have misled the Chief Coroner about serious allegations regarding his conduct.

Following an extensive investigation, a disciplinary panel found that he had deliberately minimised the allegations when he told the Chief Coroner’s office about them. Mr Inyama accepted that he had done so.

The disciplinary panel, having considered the mitigation offered by Mr Inyama, found that he must have known he was obliged to give a full and accurate account of the allegations. By deliberately minimising their seriousness, he knowingly misled the Chief Coroner. This showed a serious lack of integrity and a profound lack of judgement, which was misconduct of a serious nature.




Notes for Editors


Media queries in relation to the JCIO should be made in the first instance to the Judicial Press Office - telephone 020 7073 4852 or via email - press.enquiries@judiciary.gsi.gov.uk


Sanctions for misconduct by judicial office-holders are set out in the Constitutional Reform Act 2005. They are, in order of severity: formal advice, formal warning, reprimand and removal from office.

For more information about the Office, including details on how to make a complaint against a judicial office holder, you can visit the JCIO website at: Judicial Conduct Investigations website